Thursday, December 28, 2006

Back from Christmas!

We had a great trip to Colorado Springs to visit Kate's parents and a great visit in Albuquerque to visit my parents. This was the first time in almost two years that our entire family was together. We had a great time and laughed all four days we were there.

Now, back to the grindstone....

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Domain Disaster!

I woke up this morning to a domain disaster! Somehow I had managed to let my domain name renewal slip, so someone picked it up! Who else would be looking for Strange. They were trying to sell it back to me for too much money, so I was forced to change my url. I don't know why they picked it up, I think only my mom checks my website anyways!
So, I am now with a new host and my url is now: with an domain email of

Tomorrow: Off to Colorado Springs to start the Christmas festivities!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

School's out for the winter!

This week has been remarkably slow. I only had one final, but it was not accumalative. Besides that, I am taking a week off the horn, so I watched all eleven episodes of Heroes and did some shopping, but that's about it! Kate and I leave for our giant holiday triangle (Salt Lake City to Colorado Springs to Albuquerque to Salt Lake) on Monday. We're excited to see our families and be able to spend time with them.

Merry Christmas Everyone.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Recital 1 - Done!

Last night was my first masters recital. It was quite a taxing program for me. I played the Wagenseil, Hidas, Grondahl, Casterede and a jazz duet by Michael Davis. Larry Gee was on piano and Larry Zalkind played bass trombone on the Michael Davis.
There was a decent turn out. I am grateful that Kate, my parents, my brother nicholas, my students, and many friends were there. Thank you all for your support!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

End of Semester NOT Woes!

Everything is done! Except for my recital on Thursday and one final next Wednesday. Piece of cake!

Friday, December 01, 2006

End of semester woes

Woe is me!

Stress is almost entirely self-inflicted, it seems. Why schedule an end of semester recital? To have MORE time to prepare, not less. But with the amount of work I put off to the last full week of classes, my recital preparation time has plummeted! I suppose that, in some way, it's a good thing since I was getting bored with most of the music. I am excited for something different to work on.

It's about 1 am and I have just finished my annoted bibliography on Gesualdo for my Bibliography course. Now, on to the review of literature! Wahoo!

Also, I have homemade pumkin chocolate chip cookies to keep me company!! Wahoo x 2!