Well, round two of grad school apps has hit me. This time, it's something fierce! It seems like application fees skyrocketed in the past three years. At least this will be the last time I have to do this!! Ever! That's a somewhat comforting thought; although the idea of not being in school is somewhat terrifying. I have, for the most part, been in school (minus two years as a full time missionary) full time since I was four. I am now 26, so take out the mission and one year for post undergrad burn out, and thats 19 years, with this year being my 7th year of college. Only three more to go!
I wonder if colleges can do anything to simplify the application processes though. It's nice that all the forms are online now. I would think that the process is less error prone this way, but it just takes so long! I know that the schools have to weed people out some way, but man... those apps are long.
I don't think that I have posted this yet. My short list is:
wish me luck!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
New phone

So my treo is dead.....
I have really come to rely on my phone as a calendar as well as a phone, so I felt that I needed to get something that would be comparable. I didn't want to fork out the money for another Treo, so I got the Nokia e62. It was less than half the price of the Treo and has everything the treo does minus a touch screen. It's a little wider, but thinner. So far, I like it. Navigating with the joystick instead of touch screen isn't that bad. I have 30 days to decide, so we'll see what happens.
I finally figured out how to make the little icon to the left of the url in the url bar! I have been looking for a while, but I finally found it. And even better, it's a piece of cake!! all you have to do is take an image or create an image and save it as favicon.ico and put it in your main directory. And, bingo! check out my icon in the url bar here.
Another one bites the dust!
Yesterday my Treo 600 decided to stop working. This is especially terrible since I bought the 600 as a refurb, so it is not covered by Cingular. I have tried to get it serviced, but it seems there is nothing they can do. I bought a $20 Motorola C139 and it is a piece! What do expect for $20 though? I really love the treo, but I don't want to throw down the money for another one. There is another place here in Salt Lake that services phones, so I am going to see what they can do. If not, this place also sells refurbs, so maybe I can find something on the cheap or do a trade in. I am definitely returning the C139.
Friday, November 10, 2006
They just didn't get it
Tonight Kate and I went to see the new Will Ferrell movie "Stranger than Fiction". We are both huge Will Ferrell movies, but this wasn't typical Ferrell. The closest comparison I can come up with is Jim Carrey in "The Truman Show". It's a drama with funny moments, but it's not a comedy. The theatre was pretty full and there were hundreds of people laughing throughout the movie. The thing is, they weren't laughing at the funny parts. I will not say anything to ruin the movie for those who wish to see it, but a majority of the laughing occurred during the most dramatic moments. All I can say is that those people are still waiting for the punch line. The came to a Will Ferrell movie to laugh, so gosh darn it, they are going to laugh no matter what it takes. Even if it means missing the point of the movie.
It was a great movie. Kate and I discussed it and we would like to own it. Not because we laughed ourselves silly, but because we thought it was a well written movie with a good message. I recommend it, but please, don't go to in order to see a comedy.
It was a great movie. Kate and I discussed it and we would like to own it. Not because we laughed ourselves silly, but because we thought it was a well written movie with a good message. I recommend it, but please, don't go to in order to see a comedy.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wal-Mart drops "Happy Holidays" for "Merry Christmas"!

Finally, someone is standing up to political correctness. That arcaic beast that is destroying Christmas and allowing everyone in the world but white adult males to be an exception, thereby allowing them to not take responsibilities for their actions or self determined situation.
Here's the link on cnn.com
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Dear Mike:
Tell your friends that your phone number has changed! I have had this number with Cingular for almost 2 years and still at least once a week I get a call for Mike.Figure it out already!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Fund Raising Gala
One thing they do well at the University of Utah school of music is raise money. This program has so much money and so many scholarships, but I have one gripe about the way they go about it.
There is an annual Gala concert to raise funds for scholarships. This is a normal event for schools of music. However, instead of displaying the talents of the school, the University of Utah sells out. Apparently, someone gives alot of money to the school to hear Mack Wilberg's arrangement of "Come Thou Fount" every year. It's a great arrangement and a great hymn, but it's place is not neccesarily in the concert hall. They can go down the street and hear it almost once a month but the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
And show tunes.... This year some wealthy benefactor offered a large sum of money for us to perform "I enjoy being a girl" from some Broadway musical.
I understand the need to raise money (I benefit from the scholarship fund!), but I feel there is a greater need to show those who donate what we can really do with what they have so generously given. Next semester the orchestra is performing Mahler 2. That is something to show off. Last year we did Dvorak 9. Again, something that could show off what the school can do.
But money trumps all.
Well.....it pays the bills.
There is an annual Gala concert to raise funds for scholarships. This is a normal event for schools of music. However, instead of displaying the talents of the school, the University of Utah sells out. Apparently, someone gives alot of money to the school to hear Mack Wilberg's arrangement of "Come Thou Fount" every year. It's a great arrangement and a great hymn, but it's place is not neccesarily in the concert hall. They can go down the street and hear it almost once a month but the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
And show tunes.... This year some wealthy benefactor offered a large sum of money for us to perform "I enjoy being a girl" from some Broadway musical.
I understand the need to raise money (I benefit from the scholarship fund!), but I feel there is a greater need to show those who donate what we can really do with what they have so generously given. Next semester the orchestra is performing Mahler 2. That is something to show off. Last year we did Dvorak 9. Again, something that could show off what the school can do.
But money trumps all.
Well.....it pays the bills.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I hate stairs. Yesterday fell up the stairs with my trombone. Today I discovered a nice little crease in the bell section. Suck.
Today, I fell down two different stairs in about two minutes. Double suck.
Today, I fell down two different stairs in about two minutes. Double suck.
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